Simple Repairs for Your LED Flashlight

Working with flashlights, we at FlashlightZ have seen a whole host of different issues with flashlights. However, many issues that we see have a rather simple solution. It can be aggravating sending your flashlight in for repairs and having to wait for its returns. Before you call in your warranty, you may be able to fix the problem by checking for these easy-to-fix problems.

Check the Batteries


It’s always best to start with the simplest solution first which would be the battery. If your flashlight has a dim or weak light or simply won’t turn on, it could be the battery. Check the battery in the flashlight to make sure that it still has charge in it. You might just have to replace or charge the battery. If the batteries have charge then inspect the batteries carefully for any leaks. If they are leaking, be sure to dispose of them properly and replace them with brand spankin’ new batteries.

Check the O-ring


This is actually a very common issue if your flashlight wont’ turn on at all. Most LED flashlights come with an o-ring already on both the tail and head of the flashlight as you can see in the image above with the Klarus XT2C body. Some flashlights, like the Armytek Viking Pro, come with two o-rings on the head. However, many flashlights won't turn on if there are two or more o-rings at the head or tail. Check to make certain there is only one o-ring at the head and one o-ring at the tail. If, for some reason, there is more than one, remove however many extra there are and tighten the tail and head of the flashlight to see if this fixes the problem.

Another issue can arise with the o-ring if your flashlight has a tactical ring. The tactical ring should be placed before the o-ring. In other words, the tactical ring should be closer to the head of the flashlight than the o-ring. If the o-ring is placed in front of the tactical ring the tail cap won’t be able to tighten all the way, preventing the flashlight from turning on.

Check for Dirt


This is a very important maintenance routine, especially if you take your flashlight on outdoor excursions. If your flashlight is flickering there could be dirt getting in the way of the electrical current. You want to make certain your flashlight is clean of grime, especially inside the body, head, and tail. Take your flashlight apart and inspect and clean each piece thoroughly. Take a q-tip with some rubbing alcohol and carefully clean each piece. Make sure not to use too much rubbing alcohol because it can damage the inside of the flashlight. But using too much with a q-tip is a pretty difficult thing to do.

There you have it! Hopefully these few steps will prevent you from having to go through the process of sending your flashlights in for repairs. However, if none of these steps work for you then definitely make certain to use that warranty to get your flashlight working in tip top shape.

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