7 Reasons to Own Everyday Carry Flashlights

Why Do You Need An Everyday Carry Flashlight?

Are you ready? Because I have seven reasons why you should have an everyday carry flashlight like the Klarus Mi7. If you've never owned a high quality flashlight from a reliable brand, such as Klarus, Nitecore, Fenix, Olight, MecArmy, one of these excellent brands, you may not know just how essential a flashlight can be.

I read on a flashlight forum that if there's a 30% chance of rain, it makes sense that you would carry an umbrella. Every day, there is 100% chance of darkness, so why not carry a flashlight? To be honest, I think this point says it all. I don't think I really need to list seven reasons why you should have an everyday carry flashlight because that point is exactly why you should carry a flashlight. There is 100% chance of darkness. At some point, you will be in the dark or you will be looking in the dark every single day, whether you realize it or not. Odds are, because it's part of your every day life, you don't realize how often you find yourself in the dark or searching in the dark. I'm going to illuminate why you would need an everyday carry flashlight. Hope you like what I did there. That was called word play.

Before we get started, we wanted to share our #1 recommended Everyday Carry Flashlight - The Klarus XT1C

Best EDC Flashlight

EDC Flashlights - Power Outages

Reason number one is power outages. This is probably the most obvious one, and odds are every one has at least a crappy flashlight that they can grab for power outages. What if the power outage happens while you're at work or while you're at the store or while you're walking your dog at night and the streetlights go out? I know you may say, "Oh well that really ever happens", but the truth is, it happens a lot to a lot of people. I live in Oklahoma, and we have severe weather, from tornadoes to severe thunderstorms to ice storms or blizzards, and all of these will more than likely lead to power outages that can last from minutes to days. In some areas, we have really strong winds that can cause power outages.

If you've ever been to a store or you were at work and the power went out, it's a really not fun thing to happen. It's happened to me before, and I'm really glad that I carried my Klarus Mi7 with me. Power outages are unsettling enough, but it's extra unsettling when you're in a place that you're not used to seeing in the dark.

EDC Flashlights - Car Trouble

My second reason is your car breaking down. I've been fortunate enough to never have had my car breakdown at night. However, I have had friends who have had it happen to them on multiple occasions. When you're driving, you're not always guaranteed streetlights. There are some places where streetlights are just not there, and without your car lights, you are more or less completely in the dark. If you're handy and you know how to fix your car or you have an idea what might be wrong with it, that flashlight's going to come in handy when you pop the hood and you use it to illuminate what you're working on. If you have a fancy flashlight, like the Klarus AR10 that has a magnetic tail cap, you can just affix that flashlight to the metal hood of your car and just work with both of your hands while your flashlight illuminates without you having to worry about holding it.

If you're not handy with your car, or you don't know what's wrong with your car, then having a flashlight can not only get someone's attention if you need it, but it can also give you peace of mind while you're waiting for the AAA guy to come and fix your car, which, by the way, when he gets there, he will be pulling out his own handy dandy flashlight that he will need in order to fix your car.

EDC Flashlights - Helping Others

Reason number three is helping others. I have had many friends who needed my flashlights for one reason or another and whether they knew it or not. I've had friends drop something small, like their keys or their earrings, and it feel underneath the couch, underneath the fridge, underneath the washer or the dryer, whatever, it feel underneath something, and I've used my flashlight to find it for them. I have also used my flashlight to help friends search for their lost animals at night, or to help fix their cars that broke down. I read on a flashlight forum that a woman lost her ring in a drain and a guy, who had an everyday carry flashlight, used his light to help her find her ring and retrieve it. If you have an everyday carry flashlight, you could be that flashlight hero.

EDC Flashlights - Finding Stuff

Reason number four. Searching for lost items in the dark. This one sounds obvious, but you'd be surprised how often people search for things in the dark without even considering using a flashlight. One time I was going to a social event, and as I stepped out of the car, my credit card actually fell and flew underneath someone else's car. To this day, I am still unsure of how it happened, but it was dark, it was in a parking lot, and without a flashlight, I would not have seen that card again. Thankfully, I did have my Klarus flashlight with me, so I did retrieve my card pretty quickly and was able to continue on my night without having to worry about, "Oh no. I can't find my card, I don't know what to do, etc."

Of course, this is just one example. There are plenty of times that you might find yourself searching in a bag that has a lot of crap in it and it's darker, or maybe it's dark outside, so having a flashlight would be handy to find what you need. Maybe you dropped something in your car and the light in your car does not necessarily illuminate the place you need it to. Once again, flashlight comes in handy there too.

EDC Flashlights - Bad Light Bulbs

Reason number five is when a light goes out. I know it's similar to the power outage one, but here me out. One time the lights to my storeroom went out and I had run out of light bulbs, so I had to go to the store to get them. Thing is, I don't actually use that room very frequently, so I continually forgot that I need a light bulb for that room and I needed to go to the store to get it. Thankfully, I had my Klarus XT2C that illuminated that entire room. In reality, I didn't even really need my light bulb. Honestly, how often does the light in your house go off and it takes you a while to replace that light? Whether it's a light to the closet, to the garage, or to the attic, rather than fumbling around in a room you can't see, you can use a flashlight and find what you need and get out.

EDC Flashlights - Nighttime

Reason number six is being outside at night. If you find yourself working late and maybe it's dark outside, it's not really a great feeling walking through a dark parking lot to your car. This is where a flashlight comes in handy. If anyone finds themselves walking in a parking lot late at night, I will always recommend they purchase a flashlight. I use my Klarus Mi7, but whatever happens to work for you, that's great.

I also use my EDC flashlight to walk the dog at night. A couple of weeks ago, we were making a bonfire, and in order to make the bonfire, we needed a light. Here I come with my Klarus XT2C and we get that bonfire going pretty quickly. Because it's the summer, we spend a lot of time at night outside, so I find myself constantly reaching for one of my two Klarus flashlights. Sometimes I need the flashlight just to be sure that I locked the gate to our yard, sometimes I need the flashlight to help make a bonfire, and sometimes I need the flashlight to take out the trash or search for something in my yard at night. I'm an outdoorsy person, so I find myself using my flashlight outside quite a bit.

EDC Flashlights - Peace of Mind

The last reason, and arguably one of the most important reasons, in my opinion, is peace of mind. I love nighttime. It's peaceful, it's usually quiet, depending on where you are, but I don't like the feeling I get when I'm in the dark, and specifically, when I'm in a place I don't know. When I'm walking the dog, I don't want to be constantly looking over my shoulder and making sure no one's following me. Whenever I'm leaving a concert and heading back to my car, I don't want to be on constant alert for something to jump out and mug me or grab me or whatever.

Carrying my Klarus Mi7 or my Klarus XT2C gives me peace of mind that I don't want to be without. If someone comes to attack me or mug me, I can easily blind them with the turbo mode or use the strobe mode on them, disorient them, and run away. If I see a shadowy figure far away, I don't need to worry for very long if it's a person who means me harm. All I have to do is shine my flashlight and I'll discover, "Oh, it's another person who's just walking their dog", or, "Oh, it's just a tree, something I didn't realize was not a human being." I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to actually have an everyday carry flashlight like the Mi7.

There you have it, all seven reasons why you should be carrying an everyday carry flashlight.

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