Spring Time is Fun with the Nitecore MH20
A popular brand among law enforcement officers, Nitecore flashlights are known for their precision, utility, and versatility. One Nitecore flashlight that is useful in a myriad of situations is the MH20, a palm-size rechargeable flashlight that is incredibly useful for any outdoor activity from hiking to camping to just looking through your dark garden shed. The MH20 has a micro-USB port for easy charging. Oh yeah, did we mention it’s rechargeable? Because it is and it’s the greatest! No worrying about scouring the house looking for batteries and then grumbling when you can’t find any.
The size of the flashlight is really convenient and can clip onto your pocket making it easy to whip out in a FLASH! Get it? FLASHlight! ….Anyways the MH20 weighs a little over 3 ounces so it’s really easy to pack when you’re preparing for an outdoor retreat of any kind. With 1000 lumens, you can light up the night with it and it makes map-reading or night hiking much more enjoyable. The MH20 is also constructed out of CNC aero grade aluminum which makes it virtually INDESTRUCTIBLE...and it protects the light from drops and water which is incredibly awesome for those clumsy hikers out there!
Come look at this flashlight here!